March 31, 2011

1 April

Posted by DQ at 10:35 0 comments
we are on the new month already
we call it 1 April
dalam kata lain 
ini adalah
beware key for this date
entah2x dikenakan lagi
harap2x lah saya tidak !
yay !!

31 days have passed
sure , many things that have happend
i guess...

if still we remember
on 13 March 2011
an earthquake in Japan
sacrificing thousands of lifes have been dead
and some still missing
all the city was destroyed
i cant imagine that how hard 
they go through all of that
 how sad to see their
loved ones died
too many tear falling
friend, lets our pray for this nation
and all the people in Japan
so that they have the strength
and hope to face it 
God sees and hears

last week
di thailand juga berlaku
gempa bumi
dan dikatakan juga berbahaya

i also read an article saying
that our country, Malaysia
also in the danger zone
yg mana tanah masih aktif 
yg boleh menyebabkan gempa bumi

cuaca pula
sering tidak menentu
selalu hujan then petangnya
sangat lah panas
sabah pun mengalami keadan yang sama

o yeahh !
no share cykit bolehh ??

last month
is a lucky+bad month for me 
y? becoz
there are 3 things that happend

1st -> saya pemenang "merentas desa"
tuk sukan kamsis . haha
minggu dapan dapat nek stage
ambil hadiah . xP

second-> i did't attend class two days
kerana saya sakit , bengkak muka
bidahhnya .mcm muka org TUA . 
ohh oww ! 

3rd-> saya SUDAH booking ticket
BALIK sabah . SUDAH !! 
my hometown 
happy ! xDDD
30 days lagi . jumpa suda 
anu , itu rumahh
and and saya plan
maw bejalan d tawau

the last but not least
bulan march
bulan is paling la rajin update blog
jual kerepek da dalam blogger nehh 
dui dui dui 

papun berperang habis2xan dulu 
tuk final exam


" In any case ,it is not our expectations
only God knows what His plans
trust and let the God to lead us "

thank you to read me dear stalker !
i appreciate it
Goodd nytee dan Tuhan berkati :)

March 30, 2011

For God

Posted by DQ at 02:15 0 comments
Happy moments, praise God

Difficult moments, seek God 

Quiet moments, worship God

Painful moments,trust God

Every moment, thank you God 

In all things, never leave your God 

Never stop loving Him

March 29, 2011

Prihatin tidak bermakna memberi

Posted by DQ at 09:42 0 comments
"Pernahkan kita terfikir"

malam tadi saya
menerima satu mesaj dari kawan
text msg ttg anak2x pengemis d jalanan
masa hbs baca msg tu
saya terdiamm (x)
saya berfikir 
mungkin kalo masa tu juga hati saya
seperti dya ,saya juga mengatakn hal yg sama
rasa benci dgn pengemis
rasa meluat tengoh dorang
geli dgn dorang
besalah kan pengemis neh
mereka bukan ada tempat yg baik tuk beteduh
apalagi makanan yg sama kita nikmati setiap hari
berbeza. mungkin kita boleh makan isi ayam
malah boleh membazir lagi
mereka cuma makan sisa tulang
kita boleh makan d tempat yg baik
mereka cuma mampu ketempat yg 
kita sendiri tidak sangup lalu pun
pembuangan tong sampah
kadang2x bila saya nampak depan mata
saya rasa sedih
kenapa lah dorang jadi begini
kenapalah biarkan anak2xkecil
menjadi pengemis
dimana sebenarnya tanggungjawab ibubapa yg 
menlahirkan mereka d dunia
pena sekali masa d kk
jalan p kk plaza
dsana ramai sgt kanak2x kecil meminta sedekah
pena juga sekali sekala saya bagi
tapi yg sedihnya tengo orang yg masih mampu bekerja
napalah lebih sanggup duduk kepanasan
dr cari keja saja
bukan lah persalahkan mereka tapi
saya cuma rasa kehidupan tu
dorang lah yg seharusnya ubah

pas terima msg tu saya 
baca byk blog certa pasal pengemis
sgt meyedihkan
sebab ramai sgt yg memandag hina dgn mereka
sampai menampar pengemis yg sdg tidur
pa lah salah dorang
kanak2x dipukul
sedihkan . kanak2x kecil diajar berbohong oleh org tua
demi minta sedekah
cuba kita bayangkan kalo kita yg berada d tempat mereka
susahkan ? sukarkan? sulitkan?
tanpa mengenal huruf,abjad,tapi mampu melihat 
kata2x saja belum cukup mengambarkan penderitan mereka
saya harap satu masa nanti dalah org yg prihatin
untuk mengambil kanak2x tu 
papun jagan lah kita anggap mereka tu 
jijik , hina , kotor
tapi doakan lah tuk mereka
supaya ada kesempatan berubah
jadilah orang yg prihatin walaupun tidak memberi

"Mereka perlukan kasih Tuhan"

March 28, 2011

Posted by DQ at 09:58 0 comments

Forgiving myself and to move on....

Forgiving Yourself - A Belief System

Forgiving yourself is essential. There is a tendency in all of us to hold ourselves more accountable than we do others. Perhaps you have been one who can justify forgiving others, even for a heinous offense, yet you find no justification for forgiving yourself for an equal or lesser offense. Perhaps you believe that forgiving yourself is not even a consideration because you think you must hold yourself in a state of constant remembrance, lest you forget. Perhaps you believe there is a price, some form of life-long penance that you must pay.

Forgiving Yourself - The Divine Example

Forgiving yourself is not specifically addressed in the Bible, but there are principles regarding forgiveness that should be applied. For example, when God forgives us, it states that He remembers our sins no more (Jeremiah 31:34). This does not mean that our all-knowing Father God forgets, but rather, because He forgives us, He chooses not to bring up our sin in a negative way. Peter said, "In truth I perceive that God shows no partiality" (Acts 10:34). Applying "no partiality" to the issues of forgiveness, God does not choose to forgive one person and not another. He forgives everyone who believes in Jesus Christ. Applying His "no partiality" standards to ourselves, it is just as important to forgive ourselves as it is to forgive others.

Forgiving yourself is not about forgetting. It is about not bringing the offense up to yourself in negative ways. Forgiving yourself is simply letting go of what you are holding against yourself so that you can move on with God. If God has moved on, shouldn't we do the same? Philippians 4:9 states that we are to put into practice those things that we have learned from God and from His Word. To continue to rehearse in our thoughts the events of our transgression, opposes Philippians 4:8 which tells us to dwell on whatever is true, noble, right, pure, lovely, and admirable.

Forgiving Yourself - Personal Action

Proverbs 16:25 says, "There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way of death." The energy it takes to harbor anger, hatred, and resentment towards yourself is exhaustive. Every bit of energy we give to negative activities and dwelling on regrets, robs us of the energy we need to become the person God wants us to be.

Life is full of choices and every choice we make will either take us in a positive, life-giving direction or rob us of the opportunity to be a life-giving individual. Forgiving ourselves does not let us off the hook, it does not justify what we have done, and it is not a sign of weakness. Forgiveness is a choice that takes courage and strength, and it gives us the opportunity to become an overcomer rather than remaining a victim of our own scorn.

If you do not forgive yourself of past sins, it is a form of pride. Whenever we enact a different set of rules, a higher set of standards for ourself over others, that is pride. When we can find it within ourself to forgive others, but not ourselves, we are saying that we are less capable of making a poor decision than others. We are somehow more intuitive, wiser, more insightful, more careful than others, and therefore, we are without excuse and should not forgive ourselves. When we reject the forgiveness extended to us by God and others, when we refuse to forgive ourselves, what we are doing is setting ourselves above others and that is pride! Proverbs 16:18 says, "Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall." Unforgiveness of oneself will bring self-destruction, a haughty spirit, and a fall. Christian forgiveness will bring peace.

Forgiving Yourself - Helping Others and Yourself

Forgiving yourself is also important for those in your sphere of influence. It is a well-known fact that hurting people hurt others. The longer you avoid forgiving yourself, the longer you allow yourself to harbor the feelings that you deserve to suffer for what you did, the more explosive you will become and, therefore, the more apt you are to hurt others.

The reality is that you cannot change what has happened. You cannot restore lives to where they were before the event. However, you can make a difference in the lives of others. You can give back some of what you have taken away by finding a different place to invest your time and compassion. Forgive yourself and let the healing begin!

March 26, 2011

Posted by DQ at 19:10 0 comments

March 25, 2011

12 minit terakhir

Posted by DQ at 22:41 0 comments
Mood : sleepy plus tired
hearing to TW song , Captivated

ngatuk plus tired sangat
minggu neh byk betul keja
mana dengan presentation
dengan kuiz
dengan class menari la
reaheasel menari tuk malam konsert la
semuanya perlukan pengorbanan
waaa~ sgt lah penat
2 hari neh kami sibuk buat mini skirt
tuk tarian sumazau tue

nehh lah mini skrit yang telah siap dibuat
dan kami akan pakai
cantiklah berbanding buang kos byk2x beli d luar kan
dan ini la baju+skirt yang akan 
saya pakai tuk malam neh

syukurlah boleh siap
dan berkat kekuatan yg Tuhan berikan
segalanya siap tepat pada waktu 
bukan muda taw maw buat persiapan 
suma tue
kami terpaksa kuar kan dana sdri
tak payalah diulas pasa tu
menyakitkan kepala jak
pa yg penting malam neh kami maw
bt yg terbaik

syukur jugalah kan
sebab sebelum neh saya dak pandai jahit
guna mesin
takut kena cucuk tangan d jarum masa menjahit
tapi saya try2x semalam kan
syok pula
and and saya telah siapkan
1 bag kecil g taw 
happy neh
tidak sangka 
1st time pegang mesin
boleh buat bag kecil ohh
betul la teori org bilang tu
selagi kita maw belajar
pasti pandai juga 
lowpun orang len ckp medah
dan biasa-biasa saja
tapi sa tetap hepiy belajar benda baru
pas tu tia takut da ma mesin jahit
meh sayabagi korang tengo bag kecil tu

 taraahhhh !

12 minit terakhir
sebelum saya p latihan menari
saya sempat update blog 
okey blogger !
see u !

maw cerita cikit

Posted by DQ at 04:01 0 comments

eee . cute wohh kan . macam tom ma jerry .
Muahh miow :)

 kalo lah kann sa da miow gnie 
chomell . hahaha

 besar mata dya . but still cute , right ❤
 anduk bhaa...
macam one family kan 
bilangnya bgni 
"tidak moh tidah moh"

saya maw cerita 
tentang kucing

kucing neh unik taw
binatang yg suka dimanja, dsayang 
mereka juga suka dibelai
pas tuew mereka suka dibawa main
hehe . betul !
pada mulanya saya juga dak suka dgn cat
terutama kucing yg dah besar 
yg suka curi makanan 
family pun bukan suma suka
pelihara animal
sebahagian jak
gerrhh, smpai saya pena gaduh
betarik ikan masin@ikan kering
asikah? hehehe 
lucu kan . saya guna tangan
kucing tu guna mulut jak
mcm pa jak neh
tarik tali . hahaa
telampaunya laba kan
awww ! tetap sa bagi dya makan sebab
saya takut kena cengkam oleh
kukunya yg pnjg+tajam
masa tu sa lagi tambah dak suka ma kucing

sa mc ingat lagi 
waktu saya makan d kitchen
dibawah kaki tu mesti miow 
suka p kann ?? 
dak caya test nanti
saya mmg kurang selesa
then saya tendang tu miow
nduk bha , if saya ingat skrg
cian kan tu kucing

but now ..
everything has changed
saya mula suka dgn miow
pelik jugakann
tapi sifat tu mmg boleh berubah
dsini , saya mula bg nama dgn kucing
bagi makan dgn dorang
bawa dorang masuk bilik
mungkin kerna saya ramai kwn
yg suka dgn miow
hehe . positif juga la kan
perubahan tu
skrg bila saya nampak
orang bully kucing
saya rasa maw mara
kecuali lah kucing yg pengotor mahh buat salah
soo.. saya rasa best dgn sifat baru neh
even org rasa tiada yg menarik 
dgn kucing
tapi bila kita da cuba baru kita taw
kasih sayang kucing tu
menampakan diri kita juga bagaimana
mengasihi orang lain 
tidak caya? kmau try first :)

neh dahlah pic kucing yg sa sayang
mereka da besar skrg

 hi , im micheal ! :)

 jerry is sleeping =.=

hello ! im jerry :)

thats all poh today 

March 24, 2011

menyesal seumur hidup !!

Posted by DQ at 09:29 0 comments
malam neh memank malang betul 
haizzz !!
bukan malang diri 
tapi malang sebab saya ter "LIKE" dan ter "CLICK"
benda yg tidak sepatutnya 
ya . pengajaran bagi saya !
opsss !! tapi saya just ter"OPEN" key
then im tekan "CLOSE" = (X) !!
nasib baik sempat berfikiran waras
im promise T.T"
supaya tidak akan bt benda yang sama
TIDAK lagi ter " LIKE" 
TIDAK lagi ter "CLICK"
sangat menyesal betul oh 
nasihat saya pada suma :
: berhati2xlah dengan apa yang kamu 
sebab bukan sumanya baik 
disebalik akan mendatangkan keburukan
Lord ! pliz forgive all my sin

March 23, 2011

Help me be a faithful steward .

Posted by DQ at 17:37 0 comments
I thank you for supplying all my needs.I thank you for being ever present in my life.
I thank you for providing me with a source of income to provide for my family.
Right now in the name of Jesus I claim victory over debt.
I claim victory over the stress that results from the money problems that I am facing.

Lord, I know that YOU are greater than any money problems that I am facing right now. Help me to be a lender and not a borrower. Help me to pay off debt and never look back, Lord. Search my heart, Lord and if you find that I have any greed or ungodly spending habits, take it all away.

In Jesus' precious name I pray, Amen.

thats true

Posted by DQ at 08:26 0 comments
when i love you
that mean
i true loveyou

when you say "iloveu" , meant it

March 22, 2011

i Noe

Posted by DQ at 02:07 0 comments








not have


same feelings

like me


March 21, 2011


Posted by DQ at 08:31 0 comments
i feel so close to you
even though the fact that
we are at different distances
you know..
sometimes i also feel 
so far away from you
i dont know why...
i want to say this to you
i just worry that you might think
that the negative
i'm sorry for this feeling
have you also feel the same there?
ermm.. dont be worry there
at this time my heart has not changed for others key 
only you 
trust me and i'll trust you :)
and u know bah kann 
ini biasa berlaku in usual relationship
this time
i want you here to accompany me
i want you know..
i really miss you 
i need you
i want to talking with you
but i cant !! i cant .
i wish i can hold your hand
feel tired to sending message
not becoz i'm bored with you
but i just want to meet you
yaahh . just want to be with you
what can i do.. nothing !
Dear God 
please blessed our relationship

March 19, 2011

Posted by DQ at 09:46 0 comments

Posted by DQ at 05:48 0 comments

feel so down lately


is not going good for me


at the same time

the things happen

open my eyes

to see what is unseen in my life

to make me realize 

how weak am i...
so weak... !

feel disappointed 

with myself


thank you Jesus..
You make me realize
once again

that life is not easy
one thing i learned

do not neglet the pleasure


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